Current Projects


The Tashi Lhunpo Foundation seeks your help to fill the gap in the lack of resources by supporting the daily needs of a monk. Read all about our program here!

new state of the art library at Tashi Lhunpo monastery

Photos of the Library, August 2018.

Ground breaking 2016; Projected completion: November 2018. 

Tashi Lhunpo Monks ask for your support to build the library in the following video.  Please take a moment to enjoy their appeal.  

State-of-the-art library

We are actively supporting the construction of a new working modern Library on the monastery grounds to serve as a source and center of learning for all the monks now living and studying at the Monastery and anyone else interested in studying Tibetan Buddhism.  We invite you to view our photo gallery of the construction of the new state of the art library.

This project began in December 2015 Year and is projected to finish in December 2018.  Your generosity is crucial to helping the monastery finish this construction.

Currently the Monastery lacks basic library infrastructure and floor space to meet this goal. The current library space does not have furniture nor is it large enough to allow young and senior Monks to study, nor does it have electronic computer equipment to provide modern sources of learning and information access. Additionally the Monks do not have the ability to archive library materials, nor the resources to restore many old scriptures and important scholarly texts, some of which are original texts that came out Tibet when monks fled after the Chinese occupation in 1959.  

A new well-equipped library for Tashi Lhunpo Monastery will aim to:

  • Serve as a learning hub for young and senior Monks

  • Provide a wide range of learning resources and modern equipment

  • Improve the capacity to restore old scriptures and texts, and archive important materials

  • Serve as a center for collaborative efforts and learning projects

  • Design solutions for unique learning priorities and needs

Please help us build a state-of- the-art Library for Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. A new library will provide a scholastic environment for young and senior monks to study and collaborate on academic projects, provide space and resources to restore and pre…

Please help us build a state-of- the-art Library for Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. A new library will provide a scholastic environment for young and senior monks to study and collaborate on academic projects, provide space and resources to restore and preserve old scriptures and important texts.

The entire Monastic community at Tashi Lhunpo asks for your help in building a new library. Your generous contribution is very much appreciated. Please donate now by clicking on the “Donate” button on the right-hand side of this page.”


ongoing annual support for the increasing number of monks coming to tashi lhunpo monastery in exile.

As more and more monks come to Tashi Lhunpo to study for the Geshe Degree, the need for ongoing sustainable funding is needed.  This can be achieved through your kind and generous support.  Monthly, ongoing donations will help give the monastery stable funding to provide for the needs of the monks and the monastery in perpetuity.  Please donate as generously as possible.

Tashi lhunpo monastery construction: renovation of the tashi lhunpo monastic school   

Tashi Lhunpo Monastery and School teach values of COMPASSION and KINDNESS.

It is a special place with a very special education. In addition to traditional subjects, the Buddhist Monks are trained to make this planet a better, more peaceful world, one that will pave the way for future generations.  The renovation of the school is a future project.

Half of the monks at Tashi Lhunpo are children.  They receive not only the teachings of the Dalai Lama/Panchen Lama lineage but also a full scholastic education including science, language and math. Your donations go directly to supporting the monks at Tashi Lhunpo to receive an education and opportunity to learn the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.  


Your donations make our education possible

Tashi Lhunpo in exile in Bylakuppe India, is re-establishing itself as an important scholarly institution for all Tibetans and anyone else interested in Tibetan Buddhism, teachings, culture and people.

The Monks of Tashi Lhunpo request your compassionate understanding and generous support to realize this project in order to ensure the preservation and dissemination of ancient wisdom and modern education. Click here to make your tax deductible donation for the new library at the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Bylakkupe, India.  Thank you!