
Summer Fundraiser: Heal Your Senses, Sunday, September 10, 2023

Join us for our Summer Fundraiser: Heal Your Senses, on Sunday, September 10, 2023, 4-6pm, at the Yoga Loft, 705 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301. Our annual fundraiser for the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery promises to be full of wonderful experiences.

Teaching Series by the Honorable Palden Sengye Rinpoche: June 18-21, 2023

His Honorable Palden Sengye Rinpoche

The Cowper Inn, 705 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301

Join us in Welcoming and Learning from His Honorable Palden Sengye Rinpoche of the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery!

Here are the details about this wonderful Series of Teachings and Events.

Be sure to register early for each event as space is limited. Email to reserve your space!

Giving Tuesday, November 29 A Celebration of Generosity

Giving Tuesday is a day to celebrate; it's the time when the virtue of giving amplifies all the goodness in the world. It's a day when we think of ways to help others, especially those in need.

This year, we ask that you tune in to helping the monks at the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery by donating to the general fund. This fund covers the costs of food, daily personal needs and housing for the monk community. The general fund also contributes to teacher salaries and school equipment. Every cent that you give counts! Your donation will impact the lives of the monks and, in turn, the monks will continue to support His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s noble vision of building a safe, compassionate and harmonious world.

Gifts from First Time Donors will be doubled on November 29, 2022, until midnight PST!

Donors of $108 or more will receive a gift of mala beads blessed by former Abbott Khensur Lobzang Tsetan Rinpoche.

Please donate now and help spread goodness in the world!

A gigantic THANK YOU to all our supporters! 

Children’s Book Drive, October 2022

The Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Bylakuppe, India, is committed to providing the best education to the young monks. And books are a very important component!

This month, we are asking you to participate in our Children’s Book Drive for the Monastery.

Due to the exorbitant costs of shipping books to India, not to mention the environmental impact on the planet, the Head Librarian at the Monastery, Kachen Kunchok Tenzin, kindly requests that monetary donations be sent in lieu of actual books, since children’s books are accessible for purchase in India.

We invite you to contribute to this important educational project by sending a tax deductible donation of $50 or more today!

On behalf of the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, we thank you in advance for your generous response to this call!

Losar 2023 Immersion Retreat at the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery

February 15 - 22, 2023

We invite you to take an extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime journey! Experience a glimpse of Tibetan Buddhist monastic life within the walls of a monastery located in the largest Tibetan settlement outside of Tibet, in Bylakuppe, South India.  Many new experiences await you!  Get immersed in the enthralling sounds of early morning chants, meet high Lamas and learn from their wonderful teachings, take a walking meditation in solitude around the quiet grounds of the monastery. Culminating your experience will be witnessing the authentic celebration of Losar, the Tibetan Buddhist New Year, and participating in the local festivities with the Tibetan community.

For more details on this amazing journey, read the brochure and/or attend an Information Night at the Cowper Inn Yoga Loft in Palo Alto, CA, on Sunday, August 21 (in person starting at 6pm, via zoom starting at 7pm).

*** The deadline to sign up and submit the deposit is September 15, 2022. ***

Welcome to His Eminence Khen Zeekgyab Rinpoche on His First Visit to North America!

We are elated to welcome His Eminence Khen Zeekgyab Rinpoche, the Abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, his assistant, Toblak, and Tibetan translator, Dolma Tulotsang, to Palo Alto, CA, during their first-ever visit to North America!

We hope you can join us for a special 1 ½ day event, May 13 & 14, 2022!

Can’t make it in person? We’ll be livestreaming on Facebook! Like us to receive updates in Facebook!

SPECIAL TEACHINGS By His Eminence Khen Zeekgyab Rinpoche Friday, May 13 & Saturday, May 14

The Cowper Inn, 705 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301

FRIDAY, MAY 13: THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS & WHITE TARA INITIATION 10am – 12pm: The Basic Tenets of Buddhism Relevance to Daily Practice in Challenging Times 12-2pm: Lunch Break 2-4pm: White Tara Long Life Initiation Tara is the manifestation of all Buddha Activities. White Tara is dedicated to eradicating all suffering, pacifying all internal and external fears. She is a swift liberator who responds to requests for protection and help to prolong the life the span of those who engage in the practice of White Tara. For those receiving the White Tara Initiation, it is suggested to abstain from eating meat, onion, garlic and eggs prior to the Initiation.

SATURDAY, MAY 14: ILLUMINATING WISDOM 10am-11am: Manjushri Empowerment An empowerment is a beautiful guided meditation through which we receive a Buddha’s inspiring blessings, heal our mental continuum, and awaken our spiritual potential. His Eminence Khen Zeekgyab Rinpoche will grant the empowerment of the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri showering our mind with illuminating wisdom. 11:15am-12pm: Tea Reception & Closing


To register, write to Suggested donation $50/person and at the door.


You can read more about the Abbot here.

Shared Horizons Online Auction 2022: March 3-7

In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in India and annual Losar festivities, Tashi Lhunpo Foundation invites you to celebrate our Shared Horizons Auction 2022!

Our 5-day online auction will begin on March 3 and end on March 7, 2022. Don’t miss this auspicious event which features an amazing array of unique items to browse and bid on.

Stay informed by subscribing to our newsletter in the footer of this website and checking back here on February 19, when the link to the Auction will be published.

Reflections by the participants of the Losar 2020 Retreat

My second pilgrimage to Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Bylakuppe, India was in February 2020.  This visit was for a maiden Losar Retreat with a group of 6 from the US; my previous visit was to attend teachings by the Dalai Lama and the inauguration of the prayer hall in December 2015, with about 35,000 visitors. 

This time, I reconnected immediately to the atmosphere and grounds, the warmth and colors, smiling monks of all ages and Tibetan village folk.  In simplicity, there is an abundance of all you need: a comfortable room, delicious vegetarian meals, immersion in a welcoming community on the eve of a new year.  My spirit was cleansed by participation with others, daily exercise, and time for self-reflection.  This extraordinary week of teachings by the Abbott and other activities centered on the Tibetan new year was truly enriching, refreshing and enjoyable.

Join us for our next annual Losar Retreat for a most gentle, meaningful and memorable experience!

Mary D

        Being a visitor to Tashi Lhunpo Monastery was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Although “monastery” should say it all, I think some might misunderstand that living with the community couldn’t be considered “fun.”  As a member of the PLTLP visitors group, I was treated with extraordinary thoughtfulness. Our meals (three daily!) were delicious, fresh and plentiful. Attendance at teaching sessions voluntary and aimed at providing us a simple but inspiring view of the history and purpose of this Tibetan monastery in exile. It was wonderful. An honor and joy to be among these devoted, happy, hard-working monks. When we had questions or concerns they were addressed quickly.

           But it wasn’t summer camp. The heat and extreme air pollution was a particular challenge for me. The dogs (who are the objects of real affection but free to roam as they will) slept all day in the shade and barked, played, fought all night. Hot water for washing was only occasionally available. Not a hardship but certainly an unexpected sacrifice. Not being a stranger to ‘roughing it’ the discomforts were relatively mild. I went to the monastery to find personal enrichment, and to see for myself the beautiful new library that my donations had in small part contributed to. It was all worth it. The library is a place of learning, imagining and exploring, the past as well as the future. At this point it appears severely underutilized. A computer room with 20 stations had not one visitor as far as I could tell. My hope is that curious minds will be drawn to its contents and leave hungry for more.

          I’ve thought many times of the Spring Fundraiser in April 2018. The plans and architectural drawings of the library prominently displayed; the sweet confident statement from (then) Khen Rinpoche that we would meet again someday; the grief of my mother’s passing set aside to focus on keeping alive the spiritual traditions of this great school of Buddhism - I feel blessed to have these memories. Losar 2020 adds to their richness.

Dana Johnsen

Tibetan Monastery Immersion Retreat February Losar 2020

Awaken to a journey of a lifetime!  Join us for our inaugural spiritual retreat in Bylakuppe, India.  This is an amazing opportunity to personally discover the magic of our beloved Tashi Lhunpo Monastery India, February 2020 during Losar!

Read all about it here and then fill out this Registration Form by September 15, 2019.

SPRING FUNDRAISER April 13-15, 2018

Enjoy the photo gallery of this amazing weekend!

"Cultivating the bodhicitta mind" teaching by Khen Rinpoche, APRIL 13, 2018, 7pm, yoga loft, cowper inn, 705 cowper street, palo alto, ca 94301.  *** Please RSVP before April 12. ***



reception and silent auction, APRIL 15, 2018, 3-6pm, cowper inn, 705 cowper street, palo alto, ca 94301. *** Please RSVP before April 12. ***


Visit our SILENT AUCTION page!

Teaching by Khen Rinpoche Lobzang tsetan, Los Angeles, CA, Sunday, November 19, 2017, 10am-12pm

The Buddha Nature followed by the Ceremony for Generating Aspiring Bodhicitta by the Abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Khen Rinpiche Lobzang Tsetan
