Immersion Retreat 2024

at the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery

Experience the Magic of Losar

February 4 – 11, 2024

DISCOVER WITH US This Journey of a Lifetime

Join a unique immersion experience at the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, one of the most important learning centers of Tibetan Buddhism in India, and participate in Losar 2024, an incredible celebration of the Tibetan Buddhist New Year!

We are very excited to present a unique opportunity to stay within a Tibetan monastery compound, the seat of the Panchen Lama, and make a meaningful contribution to the lives of over 400 scholarly monks. Our contributions will be our very presence among the monks, a meal offering to the monks (included in the retreat price), and a book offering.

Part of the biggest Tibetan settlement in India, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery India is steeped in historical significance. The original Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Tibet was founded by His Holiness the 1st Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Gedun Drupe, in 1447 and became the largest, most vibrant teaching monastery in Shigatse, Tibet, at that time.

“Namla Nyi-ma Dawa, Sa la Gyalwa-Panchen.” Thus goes the age-old Tibetan saying that is well known and recited often in all 3 provinces of Tibet. It means, “Just as the Sun and the Moon in the Sky, thus Gyalwa-Panchen on Earth.” This alludes to the great and consequential relationship between the two lamas, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and His Holiness the Panchen Lama, who have shared a special bond, strengthened by their shared desire to ensure the well-being of the Tibetan people and the continued preservation of the Buddha Dharma.

From this historical perspective, you could imagine the richness of the history, culture, and art of ancient Tibetan Buddhist practices, which you will learn firsthand from the lamas and resident monks. This sojourn could be a life-changing spiritual awakening for you.

During this 7-day retreat, you will experience life in a Tibetan monastery and learn about Tibetan Buddhist history, culture, and art taught by high Tibetan lamas in a serene monastic setting.

● Get to know day-to-day monastic life

● Wake up to the glorious chanting sounds of the monks

● Learn how to meditate guided by lamas

● Enjoy delicious meals with monks of all ages and learn how to make Tibetan momos! 3

● Do walking meditation on the beautiful grounds of the Monastery

● Learn Buddhist philosophy from high lamas who are Tibetan Buddhism scholars

● Visit other Tibetan monasteries and the Golden Temple, and understand their significance

● In culmination of this special retreat, witness a true Tibetan New Year celebration called Losar


Note: We will do our best to adhere to the itinerary, but we request your understanding and flexibility if we deem it necessary to make required changes. Thank you!

Day 1: Sunday, February 4

  • Upon arrival at Bangalore Airport, we drive by car for approximately 2.5 hours to Mysore

  • Check in to hotel/settle in

  • Dinner

Day 2: Monday, February 5

  • Breakfast

  • Visit King’s Palace in Mysore

  • Lunch

  • Drive 2.5 hours to Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Bylakuppe

  • Welcome tea: Meet Khen Rinpoche (Abbot) and Khenzur Rinpoche (Retired Abbot) and administrative staff

  • Check in to Monastery accommodations Tour Monastery grounds

  • Dinner

  • Review the schedule for the following 6 days

Day 3: Tuesday, February 6

  • Join the Break-of-Day Chanting in the Old Prayer Hall (6am), optional

  • Breakfast

  • Tour the Prayer Hall

  • Teaching: “History of the Monastery”

  • Lunch

  • Tour Library and Monastic School

  • Teaching: “Continuation of the History of the Monastery”

  • Dinner

  • “Word of the Dharma”/meditation/tea/reflections

Day 4: Wednesday, February 7

  • Join the Break-of-Day Chanting in the Old Prayer Hall (6am), optional

  • Breakfast Teaching: “Calm Abiding Meditation” by Khen Rinpoche (Abbot)

  • Lunch

  • Walking meditation

  • Teaching: “Meditation on Love and Compassion”

  • Dinner

  • “Word of the Dharma”/meditation/tea/reflections

Day 5: Thursday, February 8

  • Join the Break-of-Day Chanting in the Old Prayer Hall (6am), optional

  • Breakfast

  • Teaching: “White Tara Long-Life Initiation” by Khen Rinpoche (Abbot)

  • Cooking Class: “Learn How to Make Tibetan Momos”

  • Lunch

  • Walking meditation

  • Teaching: “How to Do Tara Practice” by Khen Rinpoche (abbot)

  • Dinner

  • “Word of the Dharma”/meditation/tea/reflections

Day 6: Friday, February 9 (Cham Dance Day, dance and burning of the torma)

  • Join the Break-of-Day Chanting in the Old Prayer Hall (6am), optional

  • Breakfast

  • Teaching: “Significance and Meaning of Losar Celebrations”

  • Witness the Cham dance performed by the monks in the monastery to destroy the old, negative year and bring in the new, positive year ahead

  • Lunch

  • Visit the Golden Temple and nearby monasteries: Sera Jey Monastery, Sera Mey Monastery, Kagyu Monastery, and Sakya Monastery; shop for souvenirs

  • Dinner

  • “Word of the Dharma”/meditation/tea/reflections

Day 7: Saturday, February 10 (Losar)

  • Morning welcome to Losar/offering of the butter lamps on the rooftop

  • Breakfast

  • Losar festivities

  • Lunch during Losar with the Tibetan community

  • Losar festivities

  • Meeting and picture-taking with our sponsored monks

  • Dinner during Losar with our group

  • “Word of the Dharma”/meditation/tea/reflections

Day 8: Sunday, February 11

  • Farewell Breakfast/departure for Bangalore Airport

Losar, the Tibetan New Year, is the most important festival in the Tibetan Buddhist culture. It lasts for 15 days and is filled with traditions that date back hundreds of years. Festivities at the Monastery include traditional dances and ceremonies, offerings to deities, and chanting. These activities are attended by villagers and the entire community. Special meals are prepared. The abbot officiates the Gu-Thor ceremony, praying for peace for all sentient beings as the year comes to an end. Cham dance is a meditative dance performed by senior monks and ends with the burning of an effigy to clean and purify all negativities through the Buddhas and deities’ boundless blessings of love and compassion.

Accommodations and Meals

All accommodations and meals are included in the price.

With the exception of a 1-night stay in Mysore, all accommodations will be in the Monastery. The guest rooms in the Monastery have accommodations that are modest and comfortable; most are double-occupancy with a private bath. Please indicate in your registration form if you are traveling with someone whom you would like to room with.

6 Meals will be specially prepared by the monks and will be vegetarian. In some instances, local chefs may be invited to prepare meals for the participants. Meals during the Losar festivities will be enjoyed with the local village communities as well as with the resident monks. You will witness the wonderful organizational talents of this monastic community and enjoy Losar, an amazing highlight of the year, with this wonderful Tibetan community.

Deadlines to Remember

August 1, 2023: Registration begins. To sign-up, complete the Registration Form and submit a $300 non-refundable deposit.

August 20, 2023: Information Night at the Cowper Inn Loft (6pm via Zoom; 7pm in person)

September 15, 2023: Submit second non-refundable payment of $1,000.

October 15, 2023: Apply for Indian visa and Protected Area Permit (PAP)

November 15, 2023: Submit third and final payment of $1,000 for a shared room or $2,000 for a private room.

More detailed information about trip preparation will be provided after registration is finalized.


Price is inclusive of a 1-night hotel stay in Mysore, entrance ticket to the King’s Palace, 6-night stay in the Monastery, all meals and domestic transportation, and special meal offering to all monks. The price above does not include international airfare and visa and PAP fees.

PLEASE NOTE: The global purpose of this retreat is to help preserve the great Tibetan Buddhist culture by supporting the spiritual and scholastic center of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery India. It is in this effort that we are able to spread the blessings and merits of this cause to all communities of the world. The funds we raise for this retreat are solely in support of this cause, and you may deduct $1,500 of your donation or to the fullest extent of the law. This is a beautiful way to circulate great spiritual energy all around.

Congratulations on your decision to become part of this noble effort worldwide!

Please take the first step to complete the Registration Form and submit your deposit.

For more information, please contact: Joji Arellano-Santos:, or 650.714.3660, or