Sponsor a Monk

Help raise a village of young children whose aspiration is to create a compassionate world!


The Tashi Lhunpo Foundation seeks your help to fill the gap in the lack of resources by supporting the daily needs of a monk.

The novice monks who need sponsorship come from remote, impoverished villages near Zanskar in Ladakh or elsewhere in India and Nepal.  Nearly all their families are subsistence farmers. 

Tashi Lhunpo Monastery seeks to provide the best possible modern education, along with a deep and intimate understanding of the heritage of Tibet.  Our Foundation aims to further spread the virtues of honesty, compassion and sacrifice, as taught by Compassionate Buddha. Your participation in this program is vital and will make a big difference to our village of young monks!  It will provide them healthy vegetarian meals, adequate healthcare (i.e. masks, medicine, etc.) and daily personal needs such as toiletries, and pocket money when they visit their parents. Most of all, you will be able to help these young monks fulfill their spiritual paths!

 Why support a young monk?

By sponsoring a young monk, you will be supporting a child who has dedicated his life to a spiritual path. Living a simple life, his daily activities consist of praying, studying and playing. He studies ancient and rich Buddhist scriptures which teach him the principles of living his life for the benefit of others. Your help also enables him to gain access to a modern education which allows him to stay relevant to the outside world and able to understand its needs. But you also benefit! Because through your generosity (called DANA in Sanskrit) you will accumulate boundless merits for your spiritual growth and a better life! Supporting a young monk is in essence a way of helping him help us! 

Please commit today by donating $30/month (or $360/year) via PayPal! If you would like to sponsor more than one monk, please make individual donations for each monk. This will help insure that your sponsor donations are being accurately monitored. 

Once you have made your donation, we will send you an acknowledgement letter and a monk profile which will contain information about the monk you will sponsor.

Please join us today and be a part of a broad humanitarian community of sponsors! Support a monk living and studying at the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery.

For more information, please write to joji@tashilhunpofoundation.org