Past Projects

  • Since PLTLP was founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in 2007, we have raised over $1,550,000.00 for major construction projects for reestablishing Tashi Lhunpo in exile to its former greatness.


  • An initial pledge of $108,000.00 was made for building a new Prayer Hall followed by 8 years of support for a total of $1,242,000.00 toward the new Hall; completed in December 2015.

We invite you to view the photo gallery of the construction of the Prayer Hall Construction.

On December 19, 2015, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama consecrated the new Prayer Hall, and over a 10-day period taught the Lam Rim Teachings to close to 35,000 people. It was estimated that 20,000 monks were in attendance and approximately 15,000 additional guests, dignitaries, and other officials to celebrate this historic occasion.


  • We have also supported numerous teachings offered by Khen Rinpoche and numerous special events presented by artists and musicians which raise awareness of the need for ongoing support of Tashi Lhunpo and the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.